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Rodent of Unusual Size Plush from Princess Bride

Prepare for an adventure as you plan a hike to a unique location with fascinating geographic features and abundant wildlife, away from the usual tourist hotspots. The fire swamp offers an intriguing setting but be wary of its three primary dangers: flame spouts, lightning sand, and the formidable Rodents of Unusual Size. While the flame spouts can be evaded by heeding the distinctive popping sound, navigating the lightning sand requires caution and travelling in pairs for safety. The most menacing threat comes from the Rodents of Unusual Size, which can catch you off guard. Use the fire spouts to deter these creatures and protect yourself during your hike through this unusual landscape. For those eager to face the challenge, a stuffed prop of an R.O.U.S. can serve as a helpful tool for practicing defense tactics. Engage in mock encounters with a friend tossing it from different angles to sharpen your reflexes or incorporate it into a costume inspired by the famed character, Westley. Embrace the thrill of the unknown on your Sunday hike, armed with knowledge of the fire swamp's dangers. As you venture through this captivating terrain, may your journey be filled with excitement and discovery. Happy trails!


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