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Mustache Kit | Costume Accessory

Finding the perfect facial hair to match your style can be a challenging task. The endless cycle of growing, cutting, and regrowing can be frustrating. That's where the Mustache Kit from steps in to make your life easier. This classy and counterfeit Mustache Kit offers a simple solution to changing your style. With four different styles to choose from, ranging from a nineteenth-century inventor to a boat captain from old Mississippi, you can easily transform your look with a quick switch. Instead of going through the trouble of growing your own mustache, this kit provides a convenient alternative. Not only do the different styles offer a variety of cool and new combinations for your outfits or costumes, but the option to change the color of your facial hair adds an extra touch of fun and versatility to your looks. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly growing and grooming your facial hair and say hello to effortlessly achieving the mustache of your dreams with this Mustache Kit.


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