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Jawesome Costume Hat Venus Flytrap

Introducing the Evolving Audrey - a unique office staff favorite that takes horticulture to the next level. Not satisfied with mere succulents, our team has elevated their plant game beyond the ordinary philodendron and flowering cactus. What started as a bit of green in Accounting soon transformed into something truly extraordinary. Audrey, with her viny charm, has become the talk of the office, keeping pesky flies at bay and inspiring the rest of the plants to flourish. If you're a plant enthusiast looking to spread the love for greenery, the Venus Flytrap Jawesome Hat is a must-have accessory. This costume hat lets you embody a man-eating plant with felt teeth and curly vines, bringing a touch of whimsy to your outfit. With the Jawesome Hat, you'll channel your inner plant lover and embrace your vegetative alter ego. Whether you ponder the moral implications of snacking on broccoli or not, one thing is for sure - your toothy grin will leave everyone smiling. Embrace your quirky style and showcase your affinity for greenery with this fun and playful accessory.


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