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Gold Harp Costume Accessory

Embrace Your Angelic Side Indulge in your divine presence with the Golden Harp Costume Accessory, a delightful addition to your celestial ensemble. This exquisite plastic prop resembles a Grecian harp, complete with intricate raised patterns and immovable "strings" that enhance your heavenly appeal. Elevate Your Look This accessory will elevate your angelic appearance, exuding an aura of grace and elegance as you grace your surroundings. It is a perfect touch to channel your inner musical muse, even if you've never played a note before. Melodic Marvel With this Golden Harp in hand, you'll be poised to serenade your fellow angels with celestial melodies. Let your imagination soar as you picture yourself strumming heavenly tunes that resonate with the hearts of all who hear. What songs will you play? The choice is yours to make a magical musical moment that's sure to enchant. Infinite Elegance Beyond its musical allure, this costume accessory radiates a timeless charm and sophistication that will leave onlookers captivated. Step into the spotlight as the angelic beauty that you are, exuding an air of ethereal allure and charm that is truly divine.


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