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Girls Blue Police Officer Costume

Introducing the "Short Arm of the Law" costume, perfect for your little one who has a keen sense of justice and isn't afraid to call out wrongdoing. Despite their small stature, kids are quick to catch on, just like when you try to sneak their Halloween candy after bedtime. When your daughter is the one enforcing the rules, there's no getting away with minor infractions. Even a simple excuse like "I only had one Laffy Taffy" won't fly when it comes to respecting boundaries and personal property. While you may have to curb your candy cravings under her watchful eye, her strong moral compass is a valuable trait. She's always ready to remind you of seat belt safety and might even keep score of your slips in language. Who knows, one day she might just start charging fines for every slip-up, all while ensuring you put effort into picking out the best Halloween costume for her. Now let's talk about the product itself. This Girl's Blue Police Officer Costume is designed to exude authority without sacrificing the fun and stylish elements that kids love in a costume. The set includes a dress and a hat featuring a realistic silver badge that adds an authentic touch to her law enforcement ensemble. With this costume, your little one can confidently assert her authority, pointing to the badge as a reminder of her position. It's all in good fun, but also a gentle nudge towards respect for rules and order.


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